Category Archives: Challenge

X-Ray Wednesdays: 5 Books Every Woman Should Read

Another Wednesday is upon us!

I hope yours is indeed a Happy one.

By reading the title of today’s post you’ll note that

This one goes out to all my – LADIES!! lol

But guys, you don’t have to tune out, you can benefit too. After all, “‘Tis the season of giving,” so consider gifting one of these books to that special lady in your life or maybe to the group of women you hold most dear.

Ladies, there’s a special grace to be acquired as it concerns investing in one’s self. As women, we often think of “treating ourselves,” as hair and nail appointments, retail therapy (no matter how major or minor the shopping spree), or indulging in our favorite meal and sometimes just ice cream! But there’s something special about a woman who values herself enough to invest in the parts of her that go unseen and yet wield the most strength and power: one’s spirit, one’s heart, one’s mind, and one’s skills & abilities.

There is a caveat to my saying these are books every woman should read, I recommend these 5 books to every woman who is married, engaged to be married or planning to be married one day.

1. The Bible 

It’s critical that this book top the list because even if you don’t believe that the Bible is “inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for showing people what is wrong in their lives, for correcting faults, and for teaching how to live right,” (2 Timothy 3:16) there’s still something to be said about the fact that it is still around and very relevant, even in today’s world. At the very least it’s worth investigating.

The worse thing that could happen? Your life changing for the better. If you approach the Bible with an open heart and mind, your life Will change.

There are feminism sects that have tried to discredit the relevance of the Bible to women by saying it was written by men for men and to keep women under the control of men, but that’s simply not true. The Bible details the stories of devoted wives and other heroines including Ruth, Esther, Deborah, and Mary.

Most women can appreciate a good love story, and there is no greater love story than the one found in the pages of the Bible. It’s the story of a Sovereign GOD so in love with His creation that He is willing to do anything to win them back to Himself.

Also, there is no better articulation of love than the definition given in 1 Corinthians 13.

The Bible is where we can find GOD’s original intent for His creation, both men and women, as well as marriage.

My suggestion? Find a version you can understand, like the New Century Version (NCV) or New Living Translation (NLT). For more on marriage, read Genesis 2, The book of Proverbs, Matthew 19, 1 Corinthians 7, Ephesians 5 and Hebrews 13.

If you are a believer, I recommend this because the insight found here is God-breathed and invaluable, as Charles Spurgeon said, “Visit many good books, but live in the Bible.”

Captivating2. Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman’s Soul

Captivating was written by husband and wife team John and Stasi Eldredge. This book changed my life because it changed my perspective about myself. My mentor in Kansas recommended it to me at a time when I called her in tears, on the brink of giving up on myself.

Why you should read this book – This book is beautifully written. Aside from a few pop culture references that you may not get, John and Stasi Eldredge do a wonderful job speaking to the heart of women. The book takes you on an unexpected journey. First it shines a bright light on a woman’s deepest desires, then it digs into your past bringing to the surface old hurts and disappointments that may not have fully healed. Finally, it frees you to forgive and gives you hope. This book says healing is possible, forgiveness is possible. If up until this point you have silenced your deepest desires and disqualified yourself because of your past, get ready to come face to face with your true self. This book reminds women that with all our struggles and imperfections, as an individual, we still have an irreplaceable role.

My suggestion? Pace yourself. Read only a chapter a day. At your core, you are a most delicate being. Even if you don’t believe that you will be challenged in the first few chapters and it can be rough. I found this book at a time when I was struggling in my emotions. I made myself numb to a lot of things and had deadened those emotional sensors that allowed me to feel both joy and pain. I was a wreck reading through this book. Chapter 4 is entitled “Wounded” and it explores the many negative messages women receive in childhood from wounds that they embrace and take with them into maturity. Chapter six is entitled “Healing the Wound.” This book is a soul searching journey worth taking.

3. Covenant Marriagecovenantmarriage

Covenant Marriage is written by relationship counselor, Gary Chapman.

Why you should read this book – Covenant Marriage does a great job of detailing the difference between a covenant and a contract. Most people get married with the hope that the marriage is for life and will last forever. Yet, in Western culture, there’s a 50% divorce rate. Covenants DO last forever. Contracts, however, can be broken. Too many people are entering marriage with a contract mindset, expecting a covenant outcome. Everyone who truly desires a lifelong, happy marriage deserves the security of a covenant marriage.

Highlights – Gary Chapman discusses the critical role communication plays in marriage. Chapter 6 helps you with identifying unhealthy patterns of communication. Chapter 7 talks about the different levels of communication and Chapter 10 talks about the art of self-revelation. All very practical and insightful.

the5lovelanguages4. The 5 Love Languages 

The 5 Love Languages is another book written by Gary Chapman.

Why you should read this book – People express and receive love in different ways. Gary Chapman wrote this book on the premise that in general people interpret love through one of 5 ways: Words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service and physical touch. If a person’s love language is quality time but they are only showered with gifts, they may be unhappy and even feel unloved because their primary language isn’t being spoken. It’s important that you be able to identify your significant other’s love language so that you can express your love for them in a way they can receive it. It’s also equally important for you to know your primary love language(s) so that you can articulate it to your mate, giving them an opportunity to express love in a way you can receive it.

Highlights – Chapter 10, Love is a choice. Love has been described as many things using a plethora of flowery adjectives seeking to capture its true essence, but the bottom line is love is a choice, (whether calculated or not). To get married is to say love is a choice you will make every day for the rest of your life. One clear memory I have of my wedding day is making this declaration to choose love every day, “in the presence or absence of romantic feelings,” (a line from our wedding vows). In chapter 10 Gary Chapman addresses the rebuttals of people who may say things like “My spouse’s love language is physical touch but I’ve never been the holding hands, hugging type of person.” Chapman’s response, “Love is a choice. Get over it. Love is about the other person. Not about you. Choose to be that person for your spouse.”

Find your love language now by taking the quiz here.

5. Created to be His Help Meetcreated-to-be-his-help-meet-book

Created to be His Help Meet is written by Debi Pearl. I received this book as a gift at my bridal shower from another young bride. I’m actually still in the process of reading it.

Why you should read this book – Debi Pearl has been married to her husband Michael for 43 years. That is quite an accomplishment, considering these days its not unheard of for people to separate 6 months after marriage or even murder their spouse 8 days in to the marriage. In this book, Debi issues a seemingly simple challenge to all wives, and would-be wives, “Trust God, no matter what. Or do it your way and see how that works for you.” In the event that as a married woman you wake up and discover you’ve been hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray…and who you thought was your husband is really a no-good, insensitive, jerk – Debi makes the case that you still have an obligation to that man as your husband because of your obligation to God and your role as help meet. God hasn’t changed his mind.

Highlights – In Chapter 1 Debi breaks down the term Help Meet, which originates from the book of Genesis (Genesis 2:18). Debi states again, and again, that women do have a choice in how good their marriage will be. Debi also publishes letters written by other women seeking her advice and publishes her response to them as well.  Mrs. Pearl is extremely frank and at times I wondered, “Is she allowed to say that?” Chapter 3 is entitled, “A Thankful Spirit.” I found that chapter particular challenging because essentially it says “You never have to have a bad day,” and that made me uncomfortable in the moment. However, I know that’s not far-fetched. Yes, difficult days will come and challenges will arise but I can choose to focus on them or focus on all the good in life.  Debi’s bottom-line “You can excuse yourself from responsibility by mentally assigning various excuses to your situation, or you can choose to believe GOD and become a 100% help meet regardless of anything that would stand in your way. Which will it be?” The entire book highlights practical ways to be a help meet, as originally intended, in a changing world.

These are my 5 recommendations.

What other book suggestions do you have for wives and would-be wives? Share your suggestions in the comments section.

Grace.&.Peace Pilgrims


For more ways to BE light and get involved with X-Ray Wednesdays click here. 

Wedding Wednesdays: Life Under the Microscope

Happy Wednesday Pilgrims!!

If you’ve been watching the news any at all you know that a lot has been going on in the world’s current events…

From the verdict in Ferguson to a plague outbreak in Madagascar.

Somehow – (GOD) – the world keeps turning

And in just a few more hours on this side of the world the Thanksgiving holiday will be here.

Gobble. Gobble.

Thanksgiving holds a special place in my heart as Danny and I got engaged on Thanksgiving last year.

Here we are a year later, and almost 27 days into marriage.

This year, I’m officially taking on the role of my mother, in my home with Daniel, and I’m cooking Thanksgiving dinner. We’re already looking forward to the leftovers! LOL

Danny and I want to wish you a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving! May it be filled with love, laughter, family and friends, and a heart of sincere gratitude. Count your blessings, and pray for those who are less fortunate.

Life Under the Microscope

American society is a pro at zeroing in on certain aspects of life as seen through social media and news media.

Yet, a lot of us struggle with good communication, intimacy, and trust.  

Transparency and the revelation of our true character is often something we reserve for a select few – mainly GOD, if we believe in GOD, and ourselves. (One can’t hide from one’s self forever, even if we do manage to deceive our own heart.)  And sometimes, maybe, MAYBE, there are one or two others who we have dared to entrust our deepest darkest secrets.

The truth is, for the most part, we’re in the dark about the real issues.

And that’s a problem.

I used to take every opportunity I could to shy away from living my life under the microscope. I avoided the spotlight because flaws and failures are often revealed there. (I would often wonder about those who willingly thrust themselves into the limelight of front and center. I am certain no one ever set out to be another news circus on a stranger’s social media timeline. )

IMG_3565However, I have found that when I voluntarily and sincerely place myself under a microscope three powerful things happen. One, I am open to receiving love (not just criticism) for all that I am, the good and the bad. Two, I am free to receive correction or more information, which helps me gain more insight. And three, someone else is encouraged and others reminded that they are not alone. 

With scripted “reality” TV shows and social media gimmicks, true transparency has become a dying art.

Thus, Danny and I hope to bring you some salt, some hope, and some insight through –

X-Ray Wednesdays:

As Promised here is a sneak peek at our new project, which debuts next week –

[Our newest platform includes a new youtube channel and a video series entitled Findlays’ First Year – short videos where we discuss our first year of marriage. ]

As we celebrate Thanksgiving let us remember to have love for our family, compassion for strangers and a heart of gratitude at all times.

Have a blessed and peace-filled Thanksgiving Holiday,


Wedding Wednesdays: If I Show You I Love You…

Happy Wednesday Pilgrims!!

It’s been a while, two weeks to be exact, but it feels like forever and I feel a little rusty.

First let me say THANK YOU!! for the overwhelming response to my last post. There was an outpour of positive comments and I truly enjoyed reading them.

With 58 days left to go until our November wedding date, wedding planning has moved into the “short-term plans” category. So while we’re still working on putting the finishing touches on wedding plans, Danny and I are also working on different projects that fall just outside of those immediate plans.

As far as wedding planning goes all the major components are in place. Now the challenge for me is keeping track of all the little things that need to be checked off before the week of –


Deciding How I’m Wearing My Hair #thetransitioningstruggle


Little (or not so little) things like that. Lol.

Yesterday we met with the caterer to finalize and sign the contract.

(I can’t wait for AFTER the wedding to do a complete write-up on our caterer. Her food is amazing!)

Everything went well and while there we were part of a really good discussion on love and marriage.

As always Danny brought the Truth.

TRUTH: If I Show You I Love You…


During the discussion we had at the restaurant, it was said that living together before getting married is a good idea because then you really get to know a person. And by living together first you can decide if this is someone you can really see yourself spending the rest of your life with.

Why? In living together you may find out that a person is messy (or possesses a number of other traits that makes you crazy) and decide that you don’t want to put up with that for the rest of your life. Because more often than not, people don’t change.

But that’s not true. People CAN change. And living together before can be a faux form of commitment –

“I love you enough to live with you but if I find you’re imperfect (which more than likely I will because we will be in such close proximity) I have every right to break this temporary living arrangement and go out and find someone else that pleases me more. And whoever ends up pleasing me best is, perhaps, the one I’ll marry.”

If your “love” is about what pleases you best then let me help you, it isn’t love.

Love is others-centered. It focuses on pleasing others before pleasing itself. And it seeks to do this regardless of a person’s imperfections.

Of course during the course of this conversation Danny speaks up. Danny, refusing to keep quiet about his personal convictions and the Truth he knows, shared this –

Love is not based on someone else’s actions, love is a choice.

It doesn’t take living together, and shouldn’t take living together, before marriage to know that when you CHOOSE to marry someone, you have decided to love them regardless of their shortcomings or bad habits.

Everyone of us is flawed.


If I Show You I Love You

You also have a choice –

Believe me. Accept it. Embrace it. 

Or Reject it.

But understand that –


To bestow love is a choice.

And to accept love is a choice.

And when two people decide to get married they are choosing FOREVER to both bestow love and to accept love.

That is something I’ve really been sitting with for the past couple of weeks.

I think this engagement period has been some of the most sobering times in my 11 year friendship with Danny.

Sometimes I have found it easier to bestow love and harder to accept the love shown to me. Other times its been the other way around – difficult to bestow and easy to accept.


(Sometimes the reality of this “love” thing Danny and I were creating scared me. At our best its paradise, at our work (yes work not worse) we put on our construction hats and he takes the lead. :Cue Lauryn Hill’s Can’t Take My Eyes Off You:)

I’m sure a large part of marriage is working to maintain that delicate balance of bestowing and accepting love.

“But how do people know if they’re making the right choice?”

It’s not so much about your “choice” being right, it’s more about making the choice the right way. Or as the saying goes, “It’s not about finding the right person, it’s about becoming the right person.”

Dating and Courtship is the time you use to investigate not only the other person but yourself. It’s a time to be yourself, reveal yourself, develop a solid friendship with the other person and discover if together you two have what it takes to be life partners. It’s this information that should be considered when making the choice.

Choosing to love based on the physical alone or because the other person does something for you may leave you empty in the long run.

madlyinloveSometimes I think we forget how potent and all-encompassing love really is. 

1 Peter 4:8 NIV says “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”

LOVE covers sins?

It’s one thing to say we accept the annoying habits of our significant other but what happens when they’ve sinned against us? When they’ve hurt us deeply? Or when they do something we would never expect? Yes, that too, love can cover…if we’re willing to follow through on our choice.  It takes work.

I think if we really understood 1 Peter 4:8 our relationships would be transformed: Marriages, Parent-child relationships, friendships, how we related to strangers, all of that would change.

If I Show You I Love You

You would not need me to say it because you would be so overwhelmed with the reality of it all doubt would be driven away. ( 1 John 4:18 NIV There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.)

If I Show You I Love You

It should look like this:

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NASB

4 Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 5 does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,6 does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; 7 [b]bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

To my displayers of love –

My Heavenly Father and Danny –

Thank you.

May we make Real LOVE the focal point of our weddings, our marriages and our lives!

Grace. &. Peace,



Wedding Wednesdays: The Bride Who Knows

Happy Wednesday Love Birds!!

I get married in Exactly 100 days –

Let the countdown begin!


“Onward” as my dear fiancé said.

At this point – I can say with complete conviction that I am excited!!

I can’t wait to become Mrs. Findlay –

Typing that made me blush and made my tummy flutter!

It’s been a journey so far.

Pulling all the plans together,

Making decisions

…But it ALL has been good for me.

Even when tensions have been high and when I’ve felt overwhelmed.

Wedding planning has forced me to mature and grow in areas that I allowed to lay dormant, mainly, continuing to speak up even when its uncomfortable and not compromising on what Danny and I have decided we want. I’ve seen the growth!

One thing I have learned is that it is OKAY to change my mind. Re-examing all my options or receiving additional information that proves one option is better than another and making changes accordingly is OKAY.

Changing my mind Does Not make me an indecisive bridezilla. 

I came across this excerpt on

“Brides who take the lead in planning their weddings may find themselves caught between opposing pressures. The ideals of femininity wrapped up in the traditional bridal role–innocence, submissiveness, sweetness–are not very compatible with the demands of being an effective wedding planner. Successfully navigating the sometimes ruthless wedding industry requires assertiveness, tough negotiation skills, and the ability to make decisions that won’t necessarily please everyone. Behaviors such as these that deviate from the feminine ideal can come dangerously close to the “bridezilla” stereotype. Brides may feel torn between wanting to appear pleasantly agreeable and wanting to stand up for themselves on important issues, such as budgetary concerns.”

But being assertive, tough, and making decisions and sticking to them or changing your mind in order to make a better decision DOES NOT make me or any other woman who does this a bridezilla.

It just makes her, or me in this case, a bride who knows how to navigate through the endless options to find what she wants.

So yes, I did have to speak up and voice my wishes or disagreement with certain things, if for nothing more than simple personal preference.

Yes, I fired my wedding coordinator when I realized that we weren’t on the same page and our expressed wishes as a couple weren’t being considered.

Being assertive, tough, or speaking up loudly enough so that your voice isn’t drowned out and is taken seriously isn’t always easy or fun. But I have found it is necessary.

Thank GOD I have been gifted with a life partner who encourages me and is the support I need to be assertive and tough. I often rely on his strength but I’m glad that I’m whole enough to do it even when he’s absent.








So CHEERSChampagne-Toast


  • A wedding is for the marriage, the marriage isn’t just for the wedding. A wedding is one-day set aside to celebrate a life long marriage.
  • That the most important guests at the wedding are GOD and the groom
  • The show can and must go on even if and when perfect plans fail and the sky falls
  • It takes a strong woman to submit
  • Marriage is two whole people coming together, complementing each other rather than completing each other and working as partners…FOREVER
  • “No,” is a full sentence.
  • It’s okay to ask for help.
  • It’s okay to change your mind.
  • It’s okay to stick with your gut instincts even when its hard to articulate or give a verbal explanation.
  • That you can be tough and assertive without being a bridezilla.
  • You can free yourself from those things and/or people that may be holding you back.

I will see the rest of this wedding planning through…and hire a day of coordinator. But on November 1st, 2014 the most important thing will be meeting Danny at the end of that walk down the aisle.

On that day, I fully intend to be a carefree bride.


Here’s to knowing!

Love. &. Light to all.



The Crier: Kaiya and Wedding Planning

I’m super frustrated right now.

Another post written in tears!! I’ve become a crier.

My fiancé is at work so I can’t simply call him up to console me and I know God is looking at me telling me it’s okay to feel this way, but I’m still bothered by it.

kaiyaToday one of the most amazing people I ever had the chance to meet  turns 20, thing is she has celebrated her last 3 birthdays in heaven.

Today is difficult.

I miss her everyday and in general I think I’ve been making strides to celebrate her with smiles rather than be brought to tears by my memories of her. I’m crying like I heard she flew away this morning.  It still hurts. It’s still so fresh.

I have a headache from all the water works.

It’s just so unreal.

Okay…I’m trying to redirect myself here…

Kaiya Castillo was as brilliant and beautiful as she was resilient. She had the sweetest face, the kindest eyes, and the sharpest sass you could ever come across in a 15 year old. She was wise beyond her years and with pinpoint precision she would get to your heart.

I miss her so much because she was such a major part of my life.

Her and her mother literally took me in as their own – we became family.


Kaiya was on 24-hour oxygen when I met her. She loved to love, loved to be kind, loved to be fabulous and loved to laugh! Laughing was difficult for her because she had Cystic Fibrosis – C.F. (a disease where thick sticky mucus builds up in the lungs).

However, just before turning 16 she was blessed to have a double lung transplant. She survived it. And she continued to make the most of her life and lived another 17 months before being called Home.


She’s home now. Laughing as hard as she wants to. Probably laughing at me for not being able to eat yet because I’m in protest of missing her, and we both know better, I’m a foodie!!

I couldn’t make this post all about wedding planning. Not when someone as special as Kaiya was on my heart in a major way.

My wedding will be an event where I will feel her physical absence, along with the absence of a few others who Danny and I would have loved to be there, mainly his father.


I endured something similar once at my college graduation. I did my best to remember her because she was such a major part of those three years in college. Those moments are difficult.

I remember one conversation with Kaiya –

Kaiya – Will I be one of your bridesmaids?

Me – Of course you will! Whenever I find someone to get married to.

Kaiya – :looks at me seriously and sternly says: Cara


Me – Yes.

Kaiya – Cara. We both know who you’re going to marry. (At this point she’s disgusted with me! LOL)

Me – No, WE don’t. Who?

Kaiya –  Daniel!

Me – (laughs) Yeah…no. We don’t know that.

Kaiya – You know you are. Even I know you are. I don’t like him because I don’t know why you guys won’t just be together but, (she pauses and smiles a little) I still want to be a bridesmaid.

Me – (laughing) Whatever you say Kaiya.

…and now it is just as she said.

When I get married my initials will be C.F.

And although she won’t physically walk down the aisle as my bridesmaid – she will walk down the aisle, I fully intend to keep that promise to her.

I’m weak. Probably from the tears and lack of food. But it was necessary for me to write this and remember her in this way.

We definitely had a big sister little sister relationship – but usually I was the little sister, LOL.

She taught me to stand up for myself. And she taught me to say “No,” and mean it and be at peace with it.

That’s definitely necessary when it comes to wedding planning.

This weekend I’ll be trying on Wedding Dresses, my original intent for today’s Wedding Wednesdays post was to talk all about that but that will just wait til next week.

Let’s remember to cherish each moment we share with the ones we love,




15 Days of Optimism: The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow

As should have been anticipated today was the pinnacle of these 15 days in Optimism –

I have learned that optimists do not ignore reality. They don’t call something blue, “red” and vice versa. They have no problem acknowledging that today may not have been the best day; however, they are too busy looking toward tomorrow with positive expectation that they don’t stop to throw a pity party over today.


It is sure that the sun will rise tomorrow. We simply wash off the day that has past and prepare to start fresh with a renewed sense of optimism and a determination to handle whatever obstacles and challenges may arise.

Things in my world aren’t perfect but my future is bright 🙂

Anticipating sunrise,



15 Days of Optimism: Follow Through

It’s been a long week! But we made it 🙂

I made it to day 14 of my 15 day challenge that’s an accomplishment.

Although, I didn’t go in to work today, I still had a very long “To Do”  list to get through. Despite my physical exhaustion, I managed to follow through on all my commitments and kept a smile on my face. My determination to follow through and my ability to accomplish all I had to do propelled me to keep going.

I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. Still working on my last item for the day but posting was as much a priority as finishing up that project.

Our bodies can do more than they’re supposed to when our minds will us to follow through.

Optimism is a lifestyle based in reality that we all can achieve.




15 Days of Optimism: The Little Things

Yesterday I opted not to post anything regarding this optimism challenge and chose to share a piece I wrote honoring the memory of Dr. Maya Angelou. It was a great exercise in optimism because it caused me to pause, reflect and acknowledge the legacy she left for us.

I have found that as I drawer closer to the end of this 15 day challenge (it’s day 13) it has become increasingly difficult to maintain my resolve. Some obstacle rears it’s head in an attempt to throw me off center.

But I’m still standing.


Today many distractions arose from feeling pressure to get projects complete, to back pain, to unexpected favors asked, to feeling exhausted and alone, to being made to wait for a very long time for a salad. Each time something arose I was tempted to complain. Instead I chose to smile, smile so big and wide than I looked like a fool and I enjoyed it because each time I did it my mood instantly improved. No matter how many times I had to do it. It worked. And so I am grateful for the little things. I’m thankful I had the tenacity to take control of my day and that I refused to settle for misery by complaining.

I simply prayed to God, smiled wide, and placed everything about this day in His hands.

Smiling about the little things,


15 Days of Optimism: Think Happy

Today has not been without difficulty. I almost wish it had been an ordinary day, not unlike most others, just simple and uneventful. But alas, it was not meant to be so. Frustrations surfaced. Matters of the heart were to be addressed and resolved and their very existence caused an imbalance in the status quo.

But I do not wish this day a way. It has been perfectly placed in a time when I have challenged myself to think the best and make the most of every situation. Despite my feelings my challenge today was to think myself happy. And what a challenge it was, initially. However, with determination I was able to make my feelings rise to the occasion and agree with the sunny mental disposition I willed myself into.


It’s really quite simple.
Every morning the sun rises. Every. Morning.

We may not always be able to see the sun because it may be an extremely cloudy day. However, we know the sun is there, even if hidden by the clouds, and we know it is shining. Even in the darkest of night, the sun is always shining somewhere. That’s what it does. It shines. No matter what.

Happiness is a choice. It’s a choice to keep shining. It’s a choice to look inside yourself for the strength to be happy and at peace even in the midst of upsetting situations. It’s a reminder to one’s self that the light is Always there. It’s a decision agreed upon by heart and mind to remain positive and happy, no matter what.

We have the power to think ourselves happy.

Keep shining,