15 Days of Optimism: The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow

As should have been anticipated today was the pinnacle of these 15 days in Optimism –

I have learned that optimists do not ignore reality. They don’t call something blue, “red” and vice versa. They have no problem acknowledging that today may not have been the best day; however, they are too busy looking toward tomorrow with positive expectation that they don’t stop to throw a pity party over today.


It is sure that the sun will rise tomorrow. We simply wash off the day that has past and prepare to start fresh with a renewed sense of optimism and a determination to handle whatever obstacles and challenges may arise.

Things in my world aren’t perfect but my future is bright 🙂

Anticipating sunrise,



15 Days of Optimism: Follow Through

It’s been a long week! But we made it 🙂

I made it to day 14 of my 15 day challenge that’s an accomplishment.

Although, I didn’t go in to work today, I still had a very long “To Do”  list to get through. Despite my physical exhaustion, I managed to follow through on all my commitments and kept a smile on my face. My determination to follow through and my ability to accomplish all I had to do propelled me to keep going.

I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. Still working on my last item for the day but posting was as much a priority as finishing up that project.

Our bodies can do more than they’re supposed to when our minds will us to follow through.

Optimism is a lifestyle based in reality that we all can achieve.




15 Days of Optimism: The Little Things

Yesterday I opted not to post anything regarding this optimism challenge and chose to share a piece I wrote honoring the memory of Dr. Maya Angelou. It was a great exercise in optimism because it caused me to pause, reflect and acknowledge the legacy she left for us.

I have found that as I drawer closer to the end of this 15 day challenge (it’s day 13) it has become increasingly difficult to maintain my resolve. Some obstacle rears it’s head in an attempt to throw me off center.

But I’m still standing.


Today many distractions arose from feeling pressure to get projects complete, to back pain, to unexpected favors asked, to feeling exhausted and alone, to being made to wait for a very long time for a salad. Each time something arose I was tempted to complain. Instead I chose to smile, smile so big and wide than I looked like a fool and I enjoyed it because each time I did it my mood instantly improved. No matter how many times I had to do it. It worked. And so I am grateful for the little things. I’m thankful I had the tenacity to take control of my day and that I refused to settle for misery by complaining.

I simply prayed to God, smiled wide, and placed everything about this day in His hands.

Smiling about the little things,


So This Is Love: For Dr. Maya Angelou

photo 1



Dr. Maya Angelou

Sunrise: April 4th, 1928

Sunset: May 28th, 2014



Mother Maya

May I call you that?

I know for so long you were called, “Sister…”


I’ve never been very good at letting go

So to hear of your sudden departure has jolted me into a state of shock.

For only yesterday

Your praises were on the tips of my fingers.

My thoughts were infused with the sweet, velvety caress of your inspiring words.

My ears stretched

To wrap around a large, elegant, poised and poignant voice,

A voice that belonged to you.

Clear and strong and affectionate,

The words cloaked in your voice crawled beneath my skin sending ripples out to my heart and mind.

I imagined this was what it felt like

To be sitting at your feet

Drinking in your freely offered wisdom

As if it were the first time

In a very long time

That cracked, parched lips  wrapped themselves around a bottle of ice cold water,

I couldn’t get enough.

And so I was always a fan of your work-

Your sculptor way with the material of words.

But before your departure

You imparted something to me

(And a great many others),

A seed,

Inspiration yet to be realized.

It goes beyond a love for your written work

And encompasses the fabric of your effulgent being

Emanating from the life you dared to live.

Never letting the obstacles keep you down

But rather always pulling yourself up and standing at your full height

Back straight

Shoulders pulled back proud and majestic.

Teaching young girls how to grow into phenomenal women.

Teaching women to recognize that even if we left our voice, our voice never left us.

Teaching us to rise.

Teaching those of us who experienced rape and molestation that we didn’t have to be

held down,

or held back,

or held hostage by the past.

Teaching us to rise.

Teaching those of us who are single parents and especially single mothers that there is no shame in pressing towards a personal destiny that will benefit the children even as you continue to sacrifice for them.

Teaching us to rise.

Teaching women to command a room and demand respect.

Teaching us to rise.

Teaching men to appreciate more than a woman’s body and encouraging them to commit to learning a woman’s inner mystery.

Teaching us to rise. photo 2

Teaching us to become citizens of the world and to look beyond our own horizons and borders into the souls and lands of distant brothers and sisters.

Teaching us to rise.

Teaching us to explore unfamiliar things – new lands, new food, new languages.

Teaching us to rise.

Teaching us that we Can grow into who we really are and who we really are can be many things –














And above all

A Child of God.

Teaching us to rise.

Teaching us to rise.

To rise above the conditions of our past, our circumstances, our limited experience

Daring to be

a Martin Luther King Jr.

a Gandhi

a Mother Theresa

a Malcolm X

a Nelson Mandela


Maya Angelou


I was sad to hear of your departure

But for over 60 years you unselfishly poured your life into the people

You are an international treasure

A queen recognized globally

You gave all you had been given to give

And returned to heaven

Having held nothing back.

We are forever grateful.

Thank you for your words – to be echoed through out the world for the rest of time.

Thank you for your smile, your charm and your grace.

Thank you for your courage, your quiet humility, and your beauty.

In your words –

“I am grateful to have been loved and to be loved now and to be able to love, because that liberates. Love liberates…It doesn’t bind. Love says, ‘I love you. I love you if you’re in China. I love you if you’re across town…I love you. I would like yo be near you. I’d like to have your arms around me. I’d like to hear your voice in my ear. But that’s not possible now, so I love you. Go.”

And so Mother Maya

WE love you.

We loved you in North Carolina, in Washington D.C.

We loved you in Cairo, in Ghana.

We loved you as you came into our streets, our churches, our temples, our universities, our government offices, our homes,

Our hearts.

We love you.

We’d like to be near you.

We’d like to have your arms and ripe words around us.

We’d like to hear your balmy, pungent, tender voice in our collective ear.

But that’s not possible now,

So we love you.

Heaven has called.



15 Days of Optimism: Think Happy

Today has not been without difficulty. I almost wish it had been an ordinary day, not unlike most others, just simple and uneventful. But alas, it was not meant to be so. Frustrations surfaced. Matters of the heart were to be addressed and resolved and their very existence caused an imbalance in the status quo.

But I do not wish this day a way. It has been perfectly placed in a time when I have challenged myself to think the best and make the most of every situation. Despite my feelings my challenge today was to think myself happy. And what a challenge it was, initially. However, with determination I was able to make my feelings rise to the occasion and agree with the sunny mental disposition I willed myself into.


It’s really quite simple.
Every morning the sun rises. Every. Morning.

We may not always be able to see the sun because it may be an extremely cloudy day. However, we know the sun is there, even if hidden by the clouds, and we know it is shining. Even in the darkest of night, the sun is always shining somewhere. That’s what it does. It shines. No matter what.

Happiness is a choice. It’s a choice to keep shining. It’s a choice to look inside yourself for the strength to be happy and at peace even in the midst of upsetting situations. It’s a reminder to one’s self that the light is Always there. It’s a decision agreed upon by heart and mind to remain positive and happy, no matter what.

We have the power to think ourselves happy.

Keep shining,


15 Days of Optimism: About Yesterday

Salute to all those that serve their country. Amidst all the celebration, that’s what Memorial Day is truly about.

I was having such a good time yesterday I did not have a chance to post. But I wanted to share yesterday’s optimism challenge: it was simply to share with others.

Positivity and optimism is not something positive people want to keep to themselves. They share it with others. They are the bringers of the bright side.

Yesterday instead of looking to find or join in on someone else’s cookout my fiancé and I hosted our own little shindig and invited a few friends to partake. There was good food and great laughs. It was nice!


And so in opening our good time to others we had an even better time!

Spread the love!


15 Days of Optimism: Il dolce far niente

In the movie “Eat. Pray. Love.” the concept of Il dolce far niente is explained.

The simple translation is:

“The sweetness of doing nothing.”

For me it is learning to be still and at peace without having to be busy thinking or busy doing.

It’s a wonderful concept and seems so simple in theory. But in a fast paced American society, practicing such a concept can prove difficult. Still I managed to achieve some form of that today and it was enjoyable! 🙂

Let’s eat! Let’s pray! Let’s love! And let’s find the sweetness and beauty all around us!



15 Days of Optimism: Self Affirmation

I had a very productive Saturday morning!

Today’s challenge was simply reminding myself of my worth. The culmination of that challenge was this tweet.


I spelled tings wrong on purpose. It’s an island ting. 😉

We are worthwhile and I bet you’re super too!



15 Days of Optimism: Catch. &. Flow.

It’s been a most lovely day here in Atlanta. 88 degrees. Sunshine. Sky speckled with clouds giving it enough character for day dreamers like me. 🙂


One area I’ve been doing really well in since this challenge started is keeping my emotions in their proper place, particularly as it relates to driving and road rage. Today though, on my way to work I caught myself as I was in the middle of calling someone in front of me a “loser” for coming over into my lane suddenly without putting on their indicator. When I realized what I was doing I burst into laughter.

In the past, when I have given myself a challenge and find myself reverting back to an old way, I would beat myself up about it and more than likely withdraw from the challenge altogether. However, today showed me the maturity I have achieved in that area.

Catch and release.

I caught myself, corrected myself, laughed because it was funny and of course I didn’t mean it.

And then I moved on, back aboard the optimism train.



Today on my break I sat near the the little waterfall that runs into the nearby lake. I was mesmerized by the soothing sounds the water emitted and the graceful way the ripples moved across the pond, unhindered. For me there are few sounds more soothing than that of running water. I thoroughly enjoy it!

Today’s challenge was to prove that optimism is not unrealistic.

Yes you may have momentary lapses where something negative comes to mind but you are always able to overcome. Today I practiced correcting myself in love, going easy on myself, and laughing at and with myself.

If one can be content with one’s self then one will never have to look elsewhere for happiness and positivity.

Moving forward positively unhindered,


15 Days of Optimism: Take Your Time

It’s after 11pm. Still, I made it, and I’m able to blog about another day in this challenge. It’s been a long week, filled with 10 hour shifts back to back. But it’s okay. As busy as the world wanted to make me I took the time to slow down and enjoy my day.

On my break I took a 10 minute nap in my car. When I woke up I sat quietly for another 5 minutes simply soaking up the beauty around me. It was the most productive 15 minute break ever. I was recharged and ready to finish my shift. It kept me centered.


Sometimes we need to be reminded to slow down and take our time and enjoy the live we have been given.

Your fellow pilgrim in living life,